Notes from Learning Apache Kafka
1 min readDec 29, 2018
I am learning Apache Kafka and intend to keep notes here.
- Kafka Producer & Consumer APIs can be used for EAI style pub sub. Producer can be used with event sources such as devices, sensors, mobiles etc.
- Partitions are similar to queues. They can be used to contain data across different machines.
- Consumers having same group ID will be part of the same group. Using the same key in a partition will ensure that the messages are ordered.
- Kafka REST Proxy is only available with Confluent Kafka.
- Kafka Connect Source can be used with data stores e.g. db to read updates
- Kafka Connect Sink to write stream to data stores e.g. db
- Kafka Streams for consuming stream data and write back to Kafka
- Kafka SQL simplifies Streams API use